Repair Your Windows Without Cd Or Software - Useful tRicKs

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Sunday, 1 March 2015

Repair Your Windows Without Cd Or Software

Heyy Guyzz..

Im Ashish, Today Im TellingYou Tht How Can U Repair Your Old Windows Without AnySoftware Nd Cd..

Follow Some Simple Steps To Do It..

1. Press Windows+R On Ur Keyboard.. Then Type webfldrs.msi 

2. This Will Start The Process To Repair Your Window's Problems. Follow The Instructions.

3. In Next Sreen, Coose SELECT REINSTALL MODE.

4. A New Wndow Will Appear. Put Check Marks On All The Options And click OK.

5. This Will Take Few Minutes So You Can Take Rest..

6. When the process will complete, it will ask for RESTART your pc..

Any Problem With This Post Then Comment Here.. Im Always Here To Help You..

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1 comment:

Iwin mercy_blogs said...

does it format my laptop data

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