Hey Guyzzz..
Im Ashish and today im here with a very useful tricks for you, by which you can see the source code (html code) of any webpage easily..
Most of time we need to know about the source code of any website, especially for any web developer its necessary to know the source code of website in order to know the layout nd other things of tht webpage..
If you are a pc user then its pretty easy to know the source code of webpage.. you just have to simple right click on webpage nd click on "View source code"..
But if you are a mobile phone user then we have another method to do it..
Simply open chrome browser(will not work on opera or other browser) nd type "source-code:" in front of url without quotes..
For example if you wanna see source code of "www.usefultricks.cf" then simply type in address bar "source-code:www.usefultricks.cf" nd hit enter..
You will see the source code (html code) of tht webpage.. :)
You was reading this article on " how to see source code of website or webpage on mobile browser"..
If you have any dount nd comments then feel free to comment below.. :):)
1 comment:
Hey Ashish,
i figured it that this wont work in chrome. Whereas u need to type "view-source:https://www.google.com/"
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